The World Through a Lens
To memories, not regrets.
“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”
Oliver Wendell Holmes
When I first arrived at the School Museum of Fine Arts, I struggled. I missed my old friends and the relationship between us, bonded and molded from four years of living and growing together. My love of making art was fading, and it felt impossible to maintain that spark of creativity inside of me that had always remained a steadying confident light. Travel allowed me to step back out from my narrow view of what I had lost and shift it to the possibilities of the things around me. As Francis Bacon wrote, “Man is [not] a measure of all things,” and traveling allowed me to fully recognize how large the world really is and that life simply does not have one right path. I hope to continue following what reignites that spark inside, and the following photographs encapsulate some of these moments.